Plutarchea Hypomnemata

Plutarchea Hypomnemata, published by Leuven University Press, focuses on the voluminous oeuvre of Plutarch of Chaeronea, one of the most prolific and multi-faceted authors of the ancient Greek world. Until the 19th century his fame as an author was primarily based on his Parallel Lives but today the miscellaneous collection of his ethical writings is highly appreciated as well. Nearly all of his works illustrate both his intelligent interpretation and appropriation of the Greek tradition, as well as his critical interaction with contemporary society. As a popular school author, his work exerted an immense influence on the education of the Western intelligentsia up to the 19th century. The second half of the 20th century witnessed a renaissance of scholarly research on his works, with the International Plutarch Society acting as a forceful catalyst.


The series Plutarchea Hypomnemata intends to further the scholarly study of, and international dialogue on, this rich Corpus Plutarcheum. To that end it welcomes monographs that explore specific themes developed in one or more Plutarchan writings, offer a thorough interpretation of and/or commentary on a particular text, or discuss various aspects of Plutarch's authorial activity, philosophical thinking, religious ideas, political convictions, and attitude towards history, science, and the arts. We also welcome studies that situate him in broader ideological and literary contexts (such as the so-called ‘Second Sophistic', ‘Middle Platonism', ancient biography) and/or in a contemporary political, social, and religious context.

Volumes in this series meet the highest scholarly standards and contribute significantly to the field of Plutarch studies. Specifically, they raise innovative questions while firmly grounded in sound methodology; they reach well-argued and original conclusions; and they are disseminated in the appropriate scientific format. This overall quality is guaranteed by international peer review.

Editorial Board
Jan Opsomer (KU Leuven), Geert Roskam (KU Leuven), Frances Titchener (Utah State University, Logan), Luc Van der Stockt (KU Leuven)

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